Why is it Important to Have a Checking Account

When you run a small business, it’s easy to keep on doing what you’ve been doing. With so many responsibilities, it can be challenging to find time to infuse your day-to-day with a fresh vibe. Here’s your chance to do just that over the next three months with winning (and fun!) ways to market your business and match your efforts to the temperature of the season.
Take Everything Outside: Strolling along in the sunshine puts everyone in a good mood, and especially a shopping mood when sidewalk sales come into view. Showcase new and/or winter and spring merchandise outdoors to capture the attention of people walking and driving by.
Be a Team Player: You don’t have to have a sports-related product or service to take advantage of all the games being played in the summer, by the pros or in the community.
Play in Your Own Backyard: Get your name out there by becoming actively involved in your community. Show your support for everything local by sponsoring events (concerts, festivals, farmer’s markets), joining town boards (share your expertise), and being the first to help out when needed (beach clean-up crews, shredding days, parade set-ups, and more).
Share Your Summer Vibe: Customers love it when your place of business is fun to visit. Make it enticing with a summertime look and feel that'll motivate them to spend more time, and come back often. (And more hang time usually means more sales.) Brighten up your space with festive colors, a fresh coat of paint, welcoming signage, and summer-themed shopping bags.
Make a Day of It: Over the next three months, there are plenty of special days, holidays and themes you can align your business with to capitalize on built-in excitement. There’s a whole slew to review here https://www.calendarr.com/united-states/observances-2022/ in addition to these favorites:
June 19 - Father’s Day
June 21 - Summer Solstice
July 4 - Independence Day
July 30 - International Friendship Day
August 16 - National Roller Coaster Day
August 30 - National Beach Day
September 3 - Labor Day
You can also piggyback promotions or refresh retail/restaurant decor around these popular activities:
Sizzle-Up Social Media: It’s all about the buzz! During the lazy days of June, July and August, give your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media accounts some summer loving. Boost your presence with paid posts, refresh content, and ramp up engagement with customers looking for things to do and news about you. Doesn’t take much time and the pay-off is worth it.
Hold a Summer Slash Sale: Get customers checking out your store (online or in-person) on an hourly, daily or weekly basis all summer long by holding quick-turnaround sales. Great hook: they’ll need to follow you actively on social media to not miss out.
Meg Schutte is a Bank of Hope Blog contributor.
The views and opinions expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Bank of Hope.